Thursday, 26 April 2012

Jumex Deprenyl For Intelligence, Memory And Depression

Jumex deprenyl is a well known brain power enhancing drug belonging to the category of medicines called nootropic drugs or smart drugs. This brain boosting medicine is also known as Selegiline and Cyprenil and is widely used across the world as an alternative medical treatment for alzhiemer’s disease, parkinson’s disease and depression in many elderly people suffering from senile dementia, depression and mental decline.
Deprenyl has been found to increase mind power by increasing the dopamine levels in the brain. As dopamine levels are responsible for many key brain functions such as mood, memory, emotions, motivation, concentration, and overall brain energy, by increasing these dopamine levels in the brain, deprenyl can enhance cognition, improve memory, alleviate mood, reduce depression and increase overall motivation and enthusiasm of the individual to perform his day to day activities with interest and energy.
Jumex Deprenyl

Also it has been found that these dopamine levels tend to decrease naturally with age and this decline becomes all the more steep after the age of 40 years. Thus to maintain youthful levels of dopamine in your brain, you need to take a daily deprenyl jumex dose as an anti aging supplement or an anti depressant to not only increase mind power and concentration but also increase energy, sharpen focus and enhance your mood and desire to carry out your routine activities with motivation and enthusiasm.

A daily deprenyl supplement also go a long way in increasing longeavity, improving sex life and preventing the occurrence of serious mind related disorders and conditions such as alzhiemer’s disease, senile dementia, depression and parkinson’s disease. As deprenyl  benefits extend beyond increasing mind power to reduce depression and enhance sexual desire, it is considered by many as a lifestyle drug for better and energetic life.

Deprenyl thus has innumerable health benefits. With its power to increase dopamine levels, deprenyl reduces cell deterioration in key parts of the brain where dopamine is transmitted – prolonging lucidity and extending life expectancy potential. Being a nootropic or smart drug, deprenyl is devoid of any toxicity or adverse side effects. It’s non habit forming feature makes it a popular anti depressant choice over other habit forming anti depressant drugs available in the market.

The very few and rare deprenyl side effects include headaches, nausea, stomach upset and insomnia. These side effects disappear once body becomes used to the effect of the medicine. Recommended deprenyl dosage is 2.5mg to 5mg once, twice or three times a week, or, 1mg to 3mg per day, with regular breaks.

Friday, 6 April 2012

(Selegiline) Deprenyl To Treat Depression And Parkinson's Disease Symptoms

Deprenyl also known as selegiline is a mind boosting drug falling in the category of drugs called nootropics or smart drugs. As an effective smart pill, selegiline works to improve brain function, increase concentration, enhance mood and sharpen memory. Deprenyl was first designed and prescribed for the treatment of parkinson’s disease symptoms.

However, as deprenyl is known to stimulate the mind by increasing dopamine levels in the brain, it also brightens the mood and increases energy in the process and is thus widely used as an anti depressant medicine for the treatment of depression. Selegilinefor depression is today one of the most popular anti depressants due to its safety and efficacy.
Deprenyl selegiline
Jumex 5mg compresse

Apart from this, selegiline deprenyl is also used as an anti aging supplement to enhance cognition, sharpen focus, increase memory and prevent the occurrence of many age related mental conditions such as senile dementia, alzhiemer’s disease, parkinson’s disease, lack of libido and depression.

If you are wondering, how does deprenyl has all these above mentioned health benefits on the mental health and condition of an individual, it is important for you to understand that deprenyl provides all these benefits to the mind simply by increasing the dopamine (a chemical found in the brain) levels in the brain.

Dopamine is produced in the brain through the enzymes present in the food that we eat and broken down in the brain by a chemical called MAO-B. When the production of dopamine by amino acids is less and their destruction by MAO –B is done at a faster rate, the levels of dopamine decease resulting in brain damage.

Thus for the proper functioning of the brain and the human body, it is imperative that sufficient supply of dopamine is available to the brain cells. Generally it has been observed that after the age of 45, human body tends to break down dopamine at a rapid rate, thereby resulting in its loss of 13% per decade.

While 13% is a random figure, the damage to the brain can be greater or lesser than 13% depending on individual to individual. In cases where the damage become more pronounced, the person can fall in the risk of getting serious mental illness such as alzhiemer’s disease or start showing early parkinson’s disease symptoms.

Supplementing your diet with deprenyl selegiline to prevent age related mental decline and depression thus becomes extremely important as you age. As deprenyl side effects are very few to none, anyone can take deprenyl to prevent depression and enhance cognition.

Deprenyl dosage depends on individual condition. In cases of serious mental decline and depression, the dosage certainly is higher as compared to deprenyl dosage to treat minor depression and boost mental function. So you must consult a doctor for recommended dosage as per your particular condition.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Deprenyl To Prevent Mental Decline

Deprenyl is an amazing brain power drug to boost cognition, improve memory, increase alertness and decrease depression and mental decline. As a mind boosting drug, deprenyl belongs to the category of medicines known as nootropic drugs. Also known as selegiline or cyprenil, deprenyl stimulates the brain activity by increasing the dopamine levels in the brain.

This wonderful mind booster was first designed and introduced as a ‘psychic energizer’ with anti depressant effects. As deprenyl acts by increasing the dopamine levels in the brain which linked with a person’s mood and energy, deprenyl acts as an effective anti depressant to brighten mood and enhance the overall energy of the mind and body.

Deprenyl Selepryl
Today deprenyl is used to treat a variety of mental disorders and conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, senile dementia, alcoholism, dyslexia, and alzhiemer’s disease. As an effective alzhiemer’s disease treatment, deprenyl is known to slow down mental decline along with improving memory and concentration.

Apart from this, deprenyl also has therapeutic benefits in conditions such as: cerebral infarction a stroke ), hormone inadequacy, amyotrophic lateralizing sclerosis ( Lou Gherig's disease ), fatigue, chronic pain, gastric ulcers, senile dementia, sexual dysfunction, multiple sclerosis, learning difficulties, blepharospasm, hypertension, depression and cancer.

As deprenyl increases the dopamine levels in the brain, it is also known to protect and preserve nerve cells from an increasing number of neurotoxins and other such free radical damage and cognitive decline. Deprenyl thus apart from being an effective cognitive enhancer for alzhiemer’s disease, depression and other mind related disorders also act as a wonderful anti ageing supplement to rejuvenate and revitalize the mind and body and prevent the occurrence of any serious age related mental decline.

Since dopamine levels in the brain are known to decrease with age, it becomes imperative that after the age of 40, if a person feels a slight decline in his mental abilities along with experiencing mild depression and general low mood, one must supplement his/her diet with deprenyl selegiline to boost memory, increase energy and thereby increase the overall life expectancy.

As deprenyl is a nootropic drug, it has very few to zero side effects with no known contraindications and toxicity. Deprenyl’s dosage is 2.5mg to 5mg once, twice or three times a week, or, 1mg to 3mg per day, with regular breaks. Few mild side effects related to the use of this medicine are nausea, heartburn, upset stomach, irritability, hyper-excitability, psychomotor agitation and insomnia. You must therefore consult a doctor before taking this medicine.